Darebin Stadiums

Join us for Qigong Classes at Narrandjeri Stadium

Qigong classes are coming to Narrandjeri Stadium. Come and join teacher Violet for some relaxing and restorative Qigong sessions.

What is Qigong and how does it work? Qigong (pronounced chee-gong) is an ancient Chinese exercise and healing technique that involves meditation, controlled breathing and movement exercises to create health and balance within the body. It is the deepest root of traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese martial art (as an example, Tai Chi is the great grandson of Qigong).

Qigong Practice

Qigong practice focuses on releasing tension physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, to allow the energy and flow of the body to circulate freely without limitations or blockages. The forms practiced allows acupressure points to be stimulated along our organ meridians by incorporating acupressure, slow stretches, gentle movement and stillness using static and dynamic movements. It can support us in optimising our well being and to find balance within.

Qigong is a restorative exercise therapy and is also described as moving meditation, it has many health benefits including increasing vitality. Anyone can do Qigong, so come and join us and enjoy being nurtured, replenished and revived.

Narrandjeri Stadium, 281 Darebin Rd, Thornbury
Wednesday mornings
Time:10.00am – 11.00am
Dates:From 19th April
For:All ages & abilities


Classes cost $22 per session.